Sunday, January 15, 2012

It Is Just A Game

I am reading more and more about violence towards people who are rooting for the opposing team.  Just today, I read an article about a Saints fan at an Applebee's in Georgia shooting at a couple people because they were cheering for the 49ers.  I have some news for you.  It's just a game.  Not everyone is going to root for your team.  If they did, it would be a very boring world.  Now don't get me wrong, I will be the first one to stand up for and cheer or defend my team.  That is fine.  And every once in a while, a little verbal argument may ensue.  But violence is never okay.  Hearing about people getting shot, stabbed, or beaten because someone doesn't like that they are a fan of another team, that pisses me off.  People who do those kinds of things are not sports fans.  Sports fans have respect for fans of other teams.  They may not agree with them, but they respect the fact that they root for that team.  Your "team" that you think you are defending when you are attacking other people would be ashamed of you.  They do not want you as a fan.  You disgust them.  How do you feel about that?  I'm a Mariners, Blazers, University of Oregon, 49ers and Seahawks I deserve to be shot for that?  Should I be beaten into a coma?  Because when I go to games, I am vocal about cheering for my team.  When I go to away games, I wear my team's gear.  I hope I am never afraid to go to a game and root my team on because I am afraid of being attacked.  I will say it again, it is just a game.  This violence is out of hand and it absolutely has to stop.

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